Saturday, June 28, 2008

Put a mosque and get a permit.

It seems that the mosque is the first piece to be put.
As in Revolutionary Nations for Sale.
The house that witnessed my childhood were sold to a corrupt expelled judge that put the first brick in the backyard garden to build a mosque. Back in 1978, the way to get a permit (or to escape demolition sentence) is by having a mosque. He got with the 10 square meters mosque with a minaret and a microphone the ability to raise, building 6 apartments and an extension in the previous garden. We could not recognize the actual shape of the old house !
Thirty years later state representatives and politicians do stand on the same basis to acquire rights over no/every bodies land to sell/invest ... ! But on bigger scales since we can build in the water and above river banks. Every bodies land sold for the profit of a private Egypt previously nationalized ... What a mess!
As if the state will retain ownership of the land and remove any person from the land but not the mosque that, will hide an intention of putting 4 new floors over a 3 floors building 50 years after it's first construction on the same foundations, or simply take over an island in the Nile.
Quiet amazing good business considering that the price of each of the 6,7 or 8 apartments was the price of the land, the old house with one tenant and 2 emptied apartments, or the evacuated island ...
Religious deals still seem to be rewarding in a society between sex and politics.
Bad new empires do conspire with religions.
Put a mosque and get a village.
Use a monk to put a monastery and get a religious colony.
They seem to have understand the rules of the game that only lost souls can execute.
Lost souls having to cope with such duality/cruelty ?

((The other side of the mosque)) appear the
أبو العينين يؤكد حصوله على وعود حكومية بعدم طرد سكان جزيرة القرصاية ويتعهد بإبلاغ النائب العام عن انحرافات موظفي وزارة الزراعة
one hiding behind the mosque and the association representing the defender and the thief for a ClubEuroMed shape with a uniform label and a local content.
Translation of the video words:
<< on the phone: Ahmed Fouad Negm (poet and political activist), with Mohamed Abla (painter and event organizer) >>
<<<< I wanted to come and be with you but, health wise I am unfit, I wanted to come and hold on the land with you. Be brave and don't let these dogs have a grain of sand of this Island, if they have courage they would go to liberate palestinians. We can hear the suffering of the palestinians pellegrins because of an Israeli constable, if they invade you slaughter them these son of bitches, do not leave your land, do not leave your homes, we are all with you, and I am with you with my voice, and my heart, you can see what happened to the ones that left their land ... and I am sure that you are brave men and will know how to defend your land. Do not turn into refugees, you could see what happened to Palestinians, christians and moslems >>>> <<<< We thank Ahmed Fouad Negm. >>>.
شيد قصورك
  شيد قصورك ع المزارع

من كدنا وعمل إدينا
والخمارات جنب المصانع
والسجن مطرح الجنينه
واطلق كلابك
في الشوارع
واقفل زنازينك
وقل نومنا في المضاجع
ادي احنا
نمنا ما اشتهينا
واتقل علينا بالمواجع
احنا اتوجعنا
مين سبب جراحنا
وعرفنا روحنا
عمال وفلاحين
دقت ساعتنا
نسلك طريق
ما لهش طريق
ما لهش راجع
والنصر قرب من عنينا
النصر أقرب
من إدينا

إذا الشمس غرقت
في بحر الغمام
ومدت على الدنيا موجة ظلام
ومات البصر
في العيون والبصاير
وغاب الطريق
في الخطوط والدواير
يا ساير يا داير
يا ابو المفهومية
مفيش لك دليل
غير عيون الكلام

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